
I am currently an M.Sc. student with a CGPA of 3.91/4.00 at the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bilkent University, under the supervision of Prof. Suleyman Serdar Kozat. I have received my B.S. degree with high honors and graduated with a CGPA of 3.61/4.00 from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Middle East Technical University, Turkey, in July 2021.

Throughout my graduate research, I have first-authored 4 journal papers (2 accepted, 2 submitted/in progress) in highly respected IEEE Transactions and Elsevier. I have also co-authored 2 journal papers and 1 conference paper, all in IEEE.

My research primarily centers on machine learning, deep learning, optimization and online learning. Specifically, I am interested in modeling and prediction of time series under nonstationary environments. Recognizing that real-world time series frequently exhibit complex patterns interchanging with time, I have developed context-aware ensemble models by combining deep learning techniques with tree-based and statistical models. I have mainly focused on joint optimization techniques, including combination of state-space models, constrained multi-objective optimization through minimizing specific loss-functions, and joint training of multiple models by harnessing the power of correlation via back-propagation. My contributions have been acknowledged and published in highly respected journals, such as IEEE Transactions and Elsevier.

Research Background & Interests

  • Machine Learning (Tree-Based Models, Ensemble Models)
  • Deep Learning (Neural Networks, Sequence Models, Transformers, Generative Networks)
  • Optimization (Constrained/Unconstrained Optimization, Multi-Objective Optimization, Gradient Descent Variants)
  • Online Learning (Fine-tuning, Transfer Learning, Online Convex Optimization)
  • Time Series Analysis and Forecasting (Univariate & Multivariate Forecasting, State Space Models, Anomaly Detection)
  • Distributed/Federated Learning